Dr. Busti is unique in that he is a nurse, PharmD and an MD. His company provided a wealth of lecture content which is practical and provides great insight into the pharmacological care of patients. The student feedback has been phenomenal. All students report that the course is difficult, but they are better prepared for the hospital and high acuity practice. Any program would be wise to partner with High-Yield, your students will thank you for it.
Providing Premier Education Since 2007:
Some of the programs we partner with include:
Aligned with the AACN Essentials:
✓ Competency-based
High-Yield uses a stepwise approach that builds upon knowledge increasing true understanding and competency.
✓ Multiple Learning Experiences
Curriculum Support allows you to flip the classroom so students learn core content at home and faculty have time for other learning experiences in the classroom.
✓ Integrated Curriculum
Our courses can integrate pharmacology content across didactic and clinical rotation training.